Razorback report

Hogs deal with heat, go indoors

Arkansas tight end Var’keyes Gumms (30) catches a pass in front of tight ends coach Morgan Turner on Thursday during the Razorbacks’ second preseason practice.
(NWA Democrat-Gazette/Hank Layton)
Arkansas tight end Var’keyes Gumms (30) catches a pass in front of tight ends coach Morgan Turner on Thursday during the Razorbacks’ second preseason practice. (NWA Democrat-Gazette/Hank Layton)

FAYETTEVILLE --The Arkansas Razorbacks moved practice No. 2 of training camp inside the Walker Pavilion as the temperature soared to 97 degrees with a heat index of 108.

A readout on the artificial turf field outside the pavilion read 138 degrees with some of the kickers and punters getting in work on it before heading back inside.

"As for transitioning into the indoor today, yeah," said tight end Var'keyes Gumms.

"I wasn't complaining too much," added second-year tight ends coach Morgan Turner. "But at times I want them to fight through when it's tough. I want them to fight through when they're thinking about how hot they are and then they have to focus on the calls. I tell them that and they know that.

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