Linebacker Justin Logan adjusts from receiver’s role

Justin Logan
Justin Logan

The 13th in a series featuring newcomers to the University of Arkansas football team.

University of Arkansas defensive coordinator Travis Williams' relationships with his players and desire to see them grow as young men helped lure freshman linebacker Justin Logan to Fayetteville.

"He's a very genuine guy," Logan said. "He cares about everybody in the room. He has the linebackers over (at) his house. Anytime there's a big game or like the Super Bowl or the NBA Finals, even if someone who's not a linebacker who wants to tag along, there's no issue. He just likes to give back to us."

Logan, 6-2, 220 pounds, of Marietta (Ga.) Kell, chose Arkansas over offers from Missouri, Colorado, Kentucky, Louisville, Georgia Tech, Boston College, Indiana, North Carolina, West Virginia and others in August before his senior season.


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