Growing tighter together: Injury-plagued ’23 hopefully in rearview mirror

Arkansas tight end Luke Hasz (left) was off to a sensational start last season before a broken collarbone against Texas A&M sidelined him, but his return to health — and that of fellow tight end Ty Washington — may have a bigger benefit for the Razorbacks in the long run. “I think it just created our bond together and the tight end room bond stronger. I think we had just a great time working back and we’re definitely both excited to be back out there,” Hasz said.
(NWA Democrat-Gazette/Hank Layton)
Arkansas tight end Luke Hasz (left) was off to a sensational start last season before a broken collarbone against Texas A&M sidelined him, but his return to health — and that of fellow tight end Ty Washington — may have a bigger benefit for the Razorbacks in the long run. “I think it just created our bond together and the tight end room bond stronger. I think we had just a great time working back and we’re definitely both excited to be back out there,” Hasz said. (NWA Democrat-Gazette/Hank Layton)

The first in a series of position glances for the 2024 Razorbacks.

FAYETTEVILLE -- A pairing that Luke Hasz and Ty Washington would have never wished for -- shelved with shoulder injuries together on the University of Arkansas sideline -- might wind up having a bigger benefit in the long run.

At least that's the way the pair of Razorback tight ends feel about the rough hand they were dealt last season.

"It was kind of like a cool coincidence and you can tell that it kind of happened for a reason with both of us getting hurt because we were able to come together and get closer," Hasz said late Thursday.

"I mean, I think it just created our bond together and the tight end room bond stronger.

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