OPINION | MIKE MASTERSON: Middle of nowhere

Editor's note: The original version of this column was published July 5, 2015.

Whenever I write about events that can't be rationally explained, it's inevitable some readers will respond with compelling stories of their own.

These "GodWink" experiences, as author Squire Rushnell refers to in his book (and I call "GodNods"), often qualify as evidence of just how mysteriously spiritual this existence can be. So it is with Virginia McAllister and her grown son, Lonnie, both of Fayetteville.

Now 93, McAllister recalls well that chilling night 61 years ago along a narrow dirt road in Oklahoma. It seems like only yesterday. So does Lonnie, 67, who was 6 when their family's inexplicable GodNod occurred.

The year was 1954. Virginia, Lonnie, daughter Janet, and husband A.D.

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