The Recruiting Guy

2026 4-star defensive end Colton Yarbrough commits to Arkansas football

Arkansas defensive line coach Deke Adams (center) instructs players during a drill Aug. 11 during practice at the Fred W. Smith Football Center in Fayetteville.
Arkansas defensive line coach Deke Adams (center) instructs players during a drill Aug. 11 during practice at the Fred W. Smith Football Center in Fayetteville.

A week after visiting Arkansas football, 4-star defensive end Colton Yarbrough committed to the Razorbacks on Saturday.

Yarbrough, a 6-5 and 240-pound prospect from Durant, Okla., named Arkansas, Georgia, Oklahoma State, LSU and Colorado his top five finalists July 31.

He visited Arkansas for the Hogwild Hangout recruiting event last Saturday. He previously visited Fayetteville for the Liberty game in November 2022, the 2023 Hogwild Hangout and a Junior Day in January.

Yarbrough, who has an 82-inch wingspan, was recruited by Arkansas defensive line coach Deke Adams, quality control analyst Kelvin Green and graduate assistant Tyrone Hopper.

He also had offers from Oregon, Michigan State, Penn State, Miami, Washington State, Tennessee, Colorado and others.

"They’ve been really consistent with me...Coach Adams, he's a really legendary coach, honestly,” Yarbrough said.

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