"Genocide" is a word that needs to be deployed carefully so as not to denature its power.
It's not a charge to be levied casually, or used as a political tool, as an all-purpose obliterator. Not every atrocity is equivalent to the Holocaust.
Warm, elliptic and sad, Emily Kassie and Julian Brave NoiseCat's 2023 documentary "Sugarcane" is an artful film made in the shadow of genocide. It is a nonfiction film made with remarkable empathy and restraint, a sober but humane interrogation of the recurrent damage done by arrogantly applied benign intentions.
It has long been taken for fact that when, during the Indian Wars of the Great Plains, Comanche Chief Tosahwi surrendered to General Philip Sheridan at Fort Cobb in January 1869, telling the general he was "a good Indian."
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