OPINION | BRENDA LOOPER: Art of kindness

Brenda Looper
Brenda Looper

In summer, I notice I tend to get stuck on the issue of incivility a lot. I get it, it's hot and we're all cranky (frankly, I worry about some of those people who love weather like this; my friends know who they are). But really, is that a good excuse to act like a jerk?

Then again, there are those who are just naturally jerks. They think debate means you name-call and lie about the other side, but the other side doesn't get to answer back because the other side might bring up facts. They think they should get what they want just because of who they are or what they believe. They call for the worst punishment possible (for real or imagined crimes) for anyone who isn't part of their group, but want leniency or the whole process thrown out as corrupt for one of their own.

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