This week we have the special session (planned to end today, but who knows?) on tax cuts and changes to the Freedom of Information Act (as far as I'm concerned, no on both, but a bazillion noes to the latter). Monday was the 22nd anniversary of 9/11, a day I still have nightmares remembering; in January, it had been 30 years since the bombing of the World Trade Center, which less than a decade later would be taken down by planes.
Then there are the things that just make you feel old: the 30th anniversary both of the launch of the public-domain worldwide Web, and of the premiere of "The X-Files" (which I still love; the episodes "Humbug" and "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose" are favorites); the 40th anniversary of Sally Ride becoming the first woman and Guion S.
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