Sometimes you just need a reminder of what life is, or should be, about.
My friends and family know I'm a little bit of a music nerd in addition to being a word nerd (and sociology nerd, history nerd, etc. ... I'm just an all-around nerd). Occasionally, in addition to musical theater, my friend Sarah will invite me to choral concerts. This time it was River City Men's Chorus.
It had been a long while since I'd been to one of the group's concerts; I think I remember reviewing the chorus once not long after it was formed 20 years ago, but then I moved on to the copy desk, then the opinion section and hadn't had the time. I'd forgotten how amazing these singers are, and the message of this particular show, "Heal the World," really hit home for me; the songs were chosen with the intent to inspire good works and a better world.
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