Every so often, I feel like I'm living in the "Terminator" universe. Not so much because life is grim (and no, I don't believe unstoppable cyborgs are after me; they have better things to do with their time). It's mostly because someone will point out something like ChatGPT or Boston Dynamics' robotic dog Spot and I'll feel like Skynet isn't an impossibility.
I really have to stop watching movies about robots and/or artificial intelligence rising up against humans.
But do I really need to worry that the Collins English Dictionary chose "AI" as its word of the year? Maybe a little. Some of this AI is getting sassy, and that's my job.
Collins has been publishing dictionaries in Glasgow, Scotland, since 1824, but didn't publish the Collins English Dictionary until 1979, which "attempted to provide comprehensive coverage of English in a single volume, while also being the first major British dictionary to include entries for people and places," according to its website (collinsdictionary.com).
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