I had a lot to think about over the weekend: what would have been my brother Corey's 60th birthday, the third anniversary of the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, the unexpected snow Friday, and countless other things. There was good reason I spent Friday evening and part of Saturday with friends and my fur-nephews.
But something stuck with me: clickbait. If you use the Internet at all, you've seen clickbait, which may be the seemingly innocuous "Doctors recommend these foods for insomnia. No. 7 will surprise you" or "At 87, see Kevin Costner's true love," which in addition to leading to potentially dangerous sites that could steal your information are generally not as advertised and factually wrong.
At least with the bulk of liberal BuzzFeed's clickbait (it, along with Upworthy, helped make clickbait as ubiquitous as it is, so blame them), you'll be entertained by cute animals or weird news; watch for those slow-loading pages, though.
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