Rather than expanding on the excellent editorial on the opposite page Tuesday on the subject of a letter printed on this page last Friday, I'm going into word-nerd mode on a letter appearing here today. Politics have encroached into Every. Single. Area. of our lives. And in the fight over the definition of "insurrection," we've headed there again.
Dang it. Just give me one day without politics messing up a delightful pastime. The days my word-nerdy social media feeds are infected with politics are days that are better spent playing Words With Friends or putting together a jigsaw puzzle. But here we are.
The word nerd in me (and likely several of you) takes issue with today's letter-writer's definition of "insurrection": "A true insurrection is perpetuated by a very large number of armed citizens in revolt against a government, using violence, with the purpose of a complete overthrow of authority.
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