So many thoughts have crowded my head over the past week that it's been hard to settle on a topic for this week's column. But because I want to avoid politics if at all possible, I'll stick with my family.
Today would have been my Nanny Opal's 107th birthday. Friday would have been Mama's 82nd. They're both sorely missed, but their legacies live on.
In our family, birthdays tend to be grouped fairly close together which, when you're trying to save money, comes in handy since you only need one party for several birthdays at once ... if you have a party at all (we didn't much, really, growing up; that was for more well-off families than ours). For Mama and Nanny, we would often just get together for dinner and cake (always chocolate of some sort; I came upon my chocoholic ways quite honestly), tell stories, and laugh.
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