It shouldn't be the least bit surprising that I'm not the only word nerd who works at the paper. So when a story shows up online using "Woah," someone's going to comment on our online workspace.
Of course that would be our Managing Editor Alyson Hoge, who is a longtime horse owner and, at one point in her career, headed the copy desk (wherein reside lots of word nerds). She noted that her horses don't respond to "woah." (And I'm hearing that in Joey Lawrence's voice from "Blossom." Curse of Gen X. Hearing words in specific voices, not "Blossom"; it was pretty cool for the time.)
The headline at issue was "Woah Philly: Horse seen running on Philadelphia highway," on a TV news story circulated by Cox Media (the original story from WPIV didn't include the offending "woah").
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