This time of year is bittersweet for me, with so many memories crowding my mind.
Saturday was the fifth anniversary of Mama's death, so my emotions are very raw. At the same time, new growth is springing up, reminding me that life goes on. Too much of that life (and its pollen) is in my front yard right now, reminding me that I need to work on that yard, starting with figuring out how to keep people from backing up in it, ruining it even more.
That big mudhole every time it rains is lots of fun and takes forever to dry out. Thanks.
I'm inclined most of the time to let the "weeds" like henbit and clover grow as much as they want, remembering a childhood spent with a backyard full of those (we won't talk about the front yard, which was so full of sandburs that going barefoot was inadvisable).
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