OPINION | BRENDA LOOPER: Celestial union

On Valentine's Day when I shared some of the words I love (word nerd, duh), I received an email with the subject line "Wait til April 8."

Intrigued, I opened the email:

"Dear Madame Editor:

"You will then be safe to use my favorite word. Wait for it.


"Regards, Art Pfeifer"

Well, Art, I have a column several days before that date, so please forgive me for breaking it out now.

Also, don't ask me to pronounce it. As I've noted before, and as Philip Martin did in his column Sunday about Kevin Hart, when you encounter some words only through reading, you might not necessarily know how they're pronounced. That was why, until someone pronounced the word "determined" for me when I was 5, I thought it was DEET-er-mined.

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