OPINION | BRENDA LOOPER: Identity unknown

Anonymity can be a wonderful thing. Going out with no one recognizing you or asking for anything is a luxury for some people, and you can just go through your day getting the same treatment as anyone else. Anonymity also protects whistle-blowers from retribution from employers.

Online, though, anonymity can be problematic. I'm not talking about the need to protect your privacy from trackers (there are specific apps and browsers that can help with that), but about anonymous posts on social media and elsewhere. Some people have legitimate reasons for posting anonymously online--harassment, job worries, etc.--but others ... not so much. When you're spending all your anonymous time online trolling, well ... it's time to re-evaluate your life.

While anonymity can protect some, it gives others license to abuse, harass, threaten, intimidate and spread misinformation without consequence.

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