OPINION | BRENDA LOOPER: They troll for thee

I  was never a fan of debate in high school. I did manage to win one debate in competition, the only one that mattered to me, against an arrogant blowhard I knew through 4-H who tended to whine when he didn't get his way.

My tongue has been quicker than my brain for a big part of my life, even before I had a stroke, so extemporaneous speaking was never my forte (improv acting is another thing altogether, as I'm not being myself). I communicate much better in writing.

Not that the trolls think so. Cue my friend Snek Man rolling his eyes after he told me not to mention them. Sorry, dude, but I want to talk about logical fallacies (something I first became acquainted with through debate), and it's kinda hard not to mention trolls when talking about them, since they illustrate them so well.


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