I sometimes talk too much about trolls, but they're a big reason I take a social-media break every week. There's only so much you can do with people whose only intent is to gin up arguments for their own amusement.
What I haven't talked much about is related to trolls: the engagement farmer (trolls are engagement farmers, but they mostly do so with outrageous/offensive/off-topic posts meant to anger).
If you've spent any time on social media at all, you've seen at least one or two of these. It might be someone posting something along the lines of "So-and-so told my grandma her quilt was ugly and no one would want to see it. Let's give her some likes to prove them wrong!" It's not the rage-baiting done by the typical Internet trolls who are ubiquitous on certain forums, but posts like this can be just as harmful to online communities.
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