OPINION | DANA KELLEY: A gun law that might work

There are a couple of seemingly intractable situations contributing to America's gun-crime epidemic.

First is the sheer volume and availability of firearms. It's a done deal that there are, for the foreseeable future, more than enough guns to meet the current demand by lawbreakers and criminals.

Secondly, many statutes on the books that ban gun ownership and possession (by minors and felons, for example) are so routinely disobeyed it's as if those laws didn't exist at all. Countless kids under 18 carry guns and use them in crimes. Countless felons do the same thing.

It's not hyperbole to say that the illegal gun possession in the commission of crimes has reached unprecedented proportions in America. Common sense suggests that unique 21st century firearm abuses are unlikely to be solved by 19th century-era legal statutes.


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