My family and I have been fortunate to experience some epic vacations. Mostly, that's due to the number of people we carry with us. We've always preferred the …
My family and I have been fortunate to experience some epic vacations. Mostly, that's due to the number of people we carry with us. We've always preferred the …
I was killing time while my wife shopped in an eclectic Aspen store. She's not a big shopper, so I knew she'd cruise fast, likely touch several things, but buy…
In early fall of 1988, I was riding through the streets of New Orleans on a rumbling streetcar. I had just started college at Tulane University and was getting…
Summer schedule flexibility is among the best benefits of a teaching career. Summer brings quiet. No bells. For me, that means a long lunchtime, one in which I…
I sat on a shuttle in Aspen, Colo., talking to a young woman who attends Howard University, her white eyelet dress aglow against her dark skin. As she spoke, s…
I'm pulling into the Chick-fil-A on Markham. It's almost two o'clock and I haven't had lunch yet thanks to a loaded morning schedule.
"Hand me your credit card, I'm going to reserve us a spot." My wife was sitting on our couch one morning, the glow of a computer screen washing her face in blu…
The McDonald's on Rodney Parham Road anchored it. No surprise there, since access to inexpensive food and booth space was an easy lure.
"Maybe you should write about something important this week, you know, a current issue," my wife said, not unkindly, as she twirled her hair in one hand and he…
My Saturday morning running group usually stays off the River Trail in deference to the warm asphalt of the city's center. We avoid the path alongside fresh wa…
"Can I borrow your iPad?" The boy was tall for a 10-year-old. He had come with a change of clothes and nothing more. My wife mouthed, "no way" to me, sensing t…
"I have a more maddening week than you do. I win."
I'm typing this column during lunch in my school office right now. There's a low rumble in the cafeteria and chatter right outside. Footsteps sound and I can i…
It's nearing the end of the school year, and while the senior class is fast-walking to graduation, the juniors are flexing their shoulders in anticipation of l…
I'm helping my daughter get ready for her high school prom.
My sons and I walked the path leading to the heart of campus, toward the tall iron gates. A gravel trail crunched under our feet as we meandered, talking about…
I'm reading a new book by NYU professor Jonathan Haidt titled "The Anxious Generation." Usually, I'd wait until I finished a book before I recommended it, but …
There's always one. That one person who can't fight the temptation to look up.
I was a stay-at-home dad last week. Spring break had descended upon Arkansas schools and my wife had to work. My 11th-grade daughter took off for the beach wit…
Today is his funeral and it's awful to contemplate. Teenage boys shouldn't leave us, they shouldn't pull away in the permanence of death. The news was announce…
When I was a young father, I learned a lot about choices that are inherent to being human. I learned this by doing laundry.
A co-worker appeared at my office door announcing he had a gift for me, his hands invisible behind him. Since pranks run wild at all-boys schools, I was wary a…
I started typing this on Monday. That's a run day for me because I like to have the morning roads to myself thanks to my idiot dog who has to inspect every sin…
I stretched my back, using both hands to massage my lower spine. Years of sitting on bleachers and pews has made it impossible to spend long periods on hard su…
I stood on the smooth front porch of our little house. After kicking a little mud off my shoes, I removed my rain jacket, shaking it until all signs of the sti…
The importance of place is often misunderstood. The importance is not physical. It's the connections we draw within the boundaries of man.
It's interesting how you can feel the weight of a single well-written sentence. The words hit just right and leave a small divot within one's soul.
I texted a weather forecaster last Sunday, asking him the chances a Little Rock school administrator would be driving the streets at 4 a.m. to see how slick th…
A dog ate $4,000 in cash off a table, the news report said. A young couple had left the money in an envelope and came back to find it gone and the dog gagging.
Catholic High is leading Central 27-20 with just minutes left in the game.
I've picked some good ones. There was the farmhouse in Asheville for my wife's 50th birthday which included watching the sunrise over the Blue Ridge Mountains.…
A mother's tears seem heavier. They fall like oil instead of water, making slow rolls from the eye to the ground. Their trails lead back to the anguish that ca…
It's ironic that stress and worry grow at the time of the year when peace is supposed to reign. Submitting during the holidays, resigning oneself to the host o…
We walked along Broad Street in Charleston, S.C., taking in the salt-tinged coastal air that seemed to contrast with the Christmas wreaths on every door. Slate…
My wife's birthday rolls around at the end of this month. I'm sure I'll wake up that day and pull together all of my creative wit and say something exciting li…
My stomach rumbled as I drove west on Cantrell Road. I've eaten my weight in Thanksgiving leftovers, so no idea what caused it.
I should be on the road to the Bradbury Christmas Tree Farm this morning. That's a family tradition we've been foisting upon the kids since they were born. The…
It's a holiday week and I have the strong sense of being out of place. I'm in my kitchen right now instead of dodging midtown Monday morning traffic and it doe…
The time change had me all out of sorts last Sunday. I started flipping channels early, looking for Fox NFL, when I stumbled upon a Methodist church program. T…
I sat at my computer innocently checking emails. Delete ... delete ... delete. I tapped out a few responses, read a few lengthy work-related diatribes.
"Slow down, there's a police car up ahead," my wife said as she touched my arm lightly.
Finally, I saw my breath vaporize into little clouds of steam. I was standing in a grove of oak trees early Sunday morning, coffee in one hand, the other hand …
Meaningful rain has avoided Little Rock since May. We've had a few downpours, a nice shower or two, but overall, summer left a smudge of brown lawns across the…
Truman Capote felt like a good match. I went back and forth on whether to kick off the long, hot summer months with fiction or nonfiction, an internal conversa…
The Central Arkansas Library System (CALS) is a Little Rock jewel. Libraries can easily become passive repositories of books, places that just wait for residen…
Old-timers in education know that the real school year doesn't start until after Labor Day. That's not to mean we waste August days sorting art supplies, talki…
Little Rock seemed so removed from the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
When our middle daughter, a student at Little Rock Central High School, signed up to take AP African American Studies, my wife and I were on board. We were on …
I listened for the dog bark. Nothing. Squirrels played in the big oak outside my office, chasing each other like kids on a playground.