Choice for running mate to be announced by Tuesday night
Today at 4:00 a.m.
Tyler Pager and Yasmeen Abutaleb The Washington Post
Vice President Kamala Harris interviewed at least three potential running mates on Sunday as the final hours before her self-imposed deadline to make her choice began ticking away.
Harris will announce her vice-presidential pick by Tuesday night, when she and the candidate will appear in Philadelphia for the first of seven rallies over the course of five days. The two will campaign in each of the seven most competitive states: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada.
Harris, who has maintained an aggressive travel schedule since becoming the likely Democratic nominee two weeks ago, spent the weekend in Washington with lawyers and her closest aides.
At the vice president's residence at the Naval Observatory, Harris and her aides reviewed the finalists' backgrounds, experience and potential vulnerabilities.
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