Gimme shelter! for downtown dog park

Walking my dogs recently near the Firehouse Museum and Hostel in MacArthur Park Historic District, I ran into Anncha Briggs.

This wasn't too surprising, as Anncha, in her spare time (which can't be much; she's an interior designer, art consultant, curator of art exhibits, jewelry maker and peace activist), is a mover and shaker who was instrumental in the renovation of what used to be Firehouse No. 2, a 1917 Craftsman-style structure in disrepair, into a city-owned museum for early 20th-century firefighting artifacts as well as a reasonably priced accommodation for travelers in the middle of Little Rock's oldest neighborhoods.

Along with the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts, MacArthur Park Historic District is home to MacArthur Unleashed, a two-acre dog park (across from the Bowen Law School) surrounded by a sturdy five-foot chain link perimeter fence, with two double gates near which there are prominent rules signs.

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