MEMS medic died 5 days after fall under utility vehicle during Little Rock Marathon

Runners jog down La Harpe Boulevard at the start of the Little Rock Marathon on Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021. See more photos at (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Stephen Swofford)
Runners jog down La Harpe Boulevard at the start of the Little Rock Marathon on Sunday, Nov. 21, 2021. See more photos at (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Stephen Swofford)

A paramedic died late last week from severe head injuries suffered after being pulled under a utility vehicle while responding to a call during the Little Rock Marathon, according to a police report and released statements from Metropolitan Emergency Medical Services.

Maj. Dean Douglas, 50, of Jacksonville was "traveling alongside" a utility vehicle on a bicycle Nov. 21 when he was pulled under the vehicle, a report filed by the Little Rock Police Department states. Douglas was responding to an emergency call when the incident happened at Daisy L. Gatson Bates Drive and South State Street.

The utility vehicle was owned by MEMS, Little Rock Police Department spokesman Mark Edwards said late Tuesday.

Douglas died from his injuries Friday at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, according to the report and his obituary.


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