Marathon remains a race for all levels

2022 Little Rock Marathon map
2022 Little Rock Marathon map

Several thousand participants will race four different distances this weekend in and near downtown Little Rock, including runners in the 20th annual Little Rock Marathon.

Races at distances of 5K and 10K start today. Sunday brings the Little Marathon and Half-Marathon. The marathon’s scheduled start times are 6 a.m. for entrants who expect to ta ke more than six hours to finish, 7:55 a.m. for wheelchair and hand-cycle participants, and 8 a.m. for all others.

The Little Rock Half-Marathon is set to start at 7:55 a.m. for wheelchair and hand-cycle entrants, and at 8 a.m. for others.

Long marketed as a race for every pace, each of the events reflects fields of entrants diverse in multiple ways, led primarily by levels of fitness and pace.

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