Virginia's Uyemura wins 2024 Little Rock Marathon; Fayetteville's Money tops women's division
March 3, 2024 at 2:43 p.m.
Sam Lane
Trevor Uyemura made the best of an unconventional situation in the lead-up to Sunday’s Little Rock Marathon.
The 40-year-old Vienna, Va. native hardly ran in the five days leading up to the race — admittedly not the preferred preparation of someone who has consistently run marathons for the past decade. Instead, he spent his time caring for his 3-year-old son, who had come home sick earlier in the week.
Uyemura said he wanted to take it easy to start Sunday morning, but eventually the competitive juices took over as he placed first in the 2024 Little Rock Marathon field of 1,076 runners with a time of 2:42:58.8. Shamal Sullivan of Princeton, Texas and Dustin Rutter of Memphis rounded out the men’s top three with times of 2:47:09.9
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