Analyzing the Men’s NCAA Tournament Betting Field

Welcome one and all to March! Selection Sunday is 16 days away and there's 20 days until the Men's NCAA Tournament tips off.

It's officially crunch time in the world of college hoops and we've got you covered with a preview of the field and we're even talking a little fantasy baseball today. Enjoy.

In today's Winners Club:

UConn Favored to Repeat

There's a clear tier of five championship contenders that have separated themselves from the pack as March begins: UConn, Purdue, Houston, Arizona and Tennessee. Of that group, the defending national champion Huskies (+500) are the betting favorites ahead of the Boilermakers (+700), Cougars (+700), Wildcats (+1200) and Volunteers (+1200).

There may be value to be found further down the list with bluebloods like Kansas (+2200), Duke (+2500) or Kentucky (+2500), but those programs are not currently among the betting favorites to cut down the nets this spring.

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