NL MVP Odds: Ronald Acuña Jr. Is the Favorite to Repeat

Ronald Acuña Jr. is the favorite to repeat as National League MVP in 2024.

Acuña was the unanimous 2023 NL MVP after putting together a dazzling season for the Atlanta Braves, becoming the first player to hit 40-plus homers and tally 70-plus steals in a single season. He led all of MLB in runs scored (149), OBP (.416) and stolen bases while also swatting 41 homers and logging triple-digit RBIs (106). Acuña also led the league with 310 batted balls at 95-plus miles per hour in 2023. The next closest was Rafael Devers, who had 252. Acuna was in the top five in the league in terms of average exit velocity (94.7), average home run distance (420) and hard-hit percentage (5.3%). At just 26 years old, there's no reason to expect the skills to decline.

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