MLB Player Props: Here’s What the Market Is Predicting for Aaron Judge

Aaron Judge's player prop futures are out now for the 2024 season.

Here are the current home run and RBI markets for the Bronx Bomber:

Home Runs: 44.5
Over (-110) | Under (-110)

RBIs: 112.5
Over (110) | Under (-110)

Judge is just one season removed from a 62-home run, 131-RBI season for which he earned his first AL MVP award, and the sportsbook is expecting big things again from the New York Yankees slugger.

Kim Klement Neitzel/USA TODAY Sports

Despite playing a career-low 106 games last season, primarily due to a freak toe injury, Judge hit 37 home runs and logged 75 RBIs. That would equate to 56 home runs and 115 RBIs in a 162-game season, and those 56 bombs would have again led MLB.

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