Gambling Watchdog Alerts Unusual Wagering Activity on Temple Men’s Basketball Game

Gambling watchdog company U.S. Integrity sent out an alert to casinos Thursday regarding unusual wagering activity on the UAB Blazers-Temple Owls men's basketball game, the American Athletic Conference confirms to Sports Illustrated.

"We are aware they flagged it," AAC men's basketball director of communications Tom Fenstermaker says.

The betting line moved significantly during the day Thursday leading up to the game. At one casino, the line moved from UAB as a 1.5-point favorite over Temple at the beginning of the day to UAB as an eight-point favorite by mid-afternoon, then settling at seven closer to tip-off. The Blazers routed the Owls, 100–72, in Temple's home gym, the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia.

That was the second straight loss for Temple and the second straight game in which the Owls did not come close to covering the spread.

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