NCAA Men’s Basketball Big 12 Tournament Betting Preview: Houston Heavily Favored to Cut Down the Nets

The Kansas Jayhawks, Iowa State Cyclones and Texas Longhorns have combined to win the last 10 Big 12 tournaments, but the Houston Cougars are intent on interrupting that streak as the favorites this week in Kansas City.

Houston dominated the conference in its first year in the Big 12, which is projected to send an NCAA-best nine of its 14 members to the Big Dance. That much top-end talent concentrated at T-Mobile Arena will make the Big 12 bracket a gauntlet. Even so, the Cougars are massive favorites to come out on top. Iowa State and the Baylor Bears are their closest competitors and the BYU Cougars, who are also in their first year in the conference, could challenge Houston as well.


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