NCAA Men’s Basketball Pac-12 Tournament Betting Preview: Arizona Owns Best Odds to Win Third Straight Championship

If the final season of Pac-12 football was a poetic sendoff for the conference of champions, the last men's basketball campaign has had less than a storybook ending. As it stands, only three Pac-12 teams are projected to earn a spot in the field of 68 and depending how the tournament unfolds this week in Las Vegas, there's a chance only two teams will hear their names called come Sunday.

The Arizona Wildcats are legitimate national championship contenders and the odds-on favorites to pull off a three-peat in the last iteration of the conference tournament, but the cupboard is sparse after Tommy Lloyd's team. Washington State has earned itself a spot and the Colorado Buffaloes are on the bubble. The UCLA Bruins and USC Trojans can typically be counted on to go dancing, but not this year — both programs have losing records.


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