NCAA Women’s Tournament: All Eyes on Caitlin Clark, but South Carolina Has the Best Odds

Thanks in part to Iowa Hawkeyes superstar Caitlin Clark, women's college basketball has reached its peak of popularity this year, For that reason, more eyes than ever will be fixed on the NCAA women's tournament, set to begin next week.  

The South Carolina Gamecocks are the heavy favorites to win the national championship, which would cap an undefeated season.

Coach Dawn Staley's team has had an historic run, going a perfect 32-0. They completed the sweep last weekend when they defeated the LSU Tigers for the SEC title. That victory did not come without a bit of drama, however. A near-brawl erupted in the fourth quarter, causing six players to be ejected -- including South Carolina's star center, Kamilla Cardoso. As a result, the Gamecocks will play their first game of the NCAA Tournament without her.

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