No majors, but McIlroy may salvage season at Olympics
July 21, 2024 at 2:26 a.m.
TROON, Scotland -- Rory McIlroy had plenty of time to accept that a 10th consecutive year would pass without him winning a major. He now has to wait 265 days for the next one, when he hears the starter at Augusta National say, "Fore, please. Rory McIlroy driving."
The realization came on the fourth hole of the second round. He needed a good start to make the cut, maybe get back in the British Open. What he got was a triple bogey.
"Twenty-two holes into the event and I'm thinking about where I'm going to go on vacation next week," McIlroy said after rounds of 78-75 to miss the cut by five shots.
Whatever he had in mind for vacation, his next thought was how to salvage another season that will not include a trophy from the four biggest events.
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