Baptist Health hosting free immunization clinics

Baptist Health Community Outreach has scheduled free back-to-school immunization clinics in Pulaski County in preparation for the new 2024-25 school year.

Free backpacks filled with school supplies will be given to the first 50 children who receive immunizations at each of the clinics.

Each child's shot records, as well as proof of Medicaid coverage or other health insurance, if applicable, must be presented before shots are given.

More information and the opportunity to preregister for the wellness shots is available by calling (501) 202-1540.

Walk-ins to the clinics are welcome.

The clinics are in the following cities:

North Little Rock

New Hope Baptist Church, 1821 Edmond St., Aug. 3, 9 a.m. to noon.

Heaven's Loft, 518 W. 26th St., Aug. 7, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


Sylvan Hills United Methodist Church, 9921 AR 107, Aug.

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