WATCH | NPC nursing programs see near-perfect passing rates

Spa City students pass licensing test

National Park College Dean of Nursing and Health Sciences Janice Ivers talks about the school's nursing programs and student passage rates, while inside a lab at the Frederick M. Dierks Center for Nursing and Health Sciences, on July 19. (The Sentinel-Record/Brandon Smith)
National Park College Dean of Nursing and Health Sciences Janice Ivers talks about the school's nursing programs and student passage rates, while inside a lab at the Frederick M. Dierks Center for Nursing and Health Sciences, on July 19. (The Sentinel-Record/Brandon Smith)

HOT SPRINGS -- During the 2023-24 academic year, students in National Park College's practical nursing program achieved a 100% pass rate on the National Council Licensure Examination, while students in the college's registered nursing program achieved a 98% pass rate.

The National Council Licensure Examination, more commonly referred to as the NCLEX, is a standardized test designed to ensure nurses are ready to start practicing. The test -- the NCLEX-PN for practical nursing students and the NCLEX-RN for registered nursing students -- contains questions that test a potential nurse's knowledge and scenarios that test their ability to make critical decisions.

In April 2023, the computer-adaptive Next Generation NCLEX was introduced, which emphasizes critical thinking and clinical judgment to an even greater degree.

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