Go for a walk, catch a fish or sit back for a history talk

Hikers cross a creek. (Contributed photo by Getty Images)
Hikers cross a creek. (Contributed photo by Getty Images)

Leak shuts down water

The water system at Steel Creek campground on the Buffalo National River is out of order. The water line has developed several leaks making water service to Steel Creek unsustainable. Construction of a new water line is expected to be completed by the end of August.

In the meantime, visitors must bring their own drinking water to Steel Creek. Flush restrooms will be unavailable during this time, but portable toilets have been placed at the Steel Creek launch and tent campground. The park will honor all current Steel Creek campground reservations through August, but will not accept any new reservations during this time frame.

Fish the next level

A "Next Level" fishing camp for kids ages 10-15 is set for Tuesday through Thursday at the J.B.

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