State sports briefs


Three more Hogs, Caldwell sign MLB deals

Three more former University of Arkansas players selected in the MLB Draft, as well as a first-round pick from Valley View, have signed professional contracts, according to the database.

Outfielder Slade Caldwell (Arizona Diamondbacks), left-handed pitcher Mason Molina (Milwaukee Brewers), catcher Hudson White (Boston Red Sox) and third baseman Jared Sprague-Lott (Oakland Athletics) signed with their respective teams.

Caldwell was drafted in the first round with the No. 29 overall pick. His signing bonus with the Diamondbacks was reported at $3,087,000, which is slighly higher than the pick's slot value at $3,045,500. Caldwell led Valley View to a 31-2 record and a Class 5A state title in May with a 5-0 victory over Maumelle.

Molina, who transferred to Arkansas for his junior season after playing two years at Texas Tech, was drafted in the seventh round with the No.

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