Don't let hot weather trick you into thinking there's no good fishing until autumn.
Fishing is excellent for multiple species in the heat of summer. Catching your favorite species is a matter of using the right tactics at the right times and places.
For deer hunters, there is no better way to sharpen your archery skills than by bowfishing for carp, gar and suckers.
Many bowfishermen prefer hunting at night from a raised platform at the front of a specially built under powerful lights. A dedicated bowfishing boat is expensive, and bugs will swarm you amid the lights.
You can enjoy excellent bowfishing fishing in the daytime from a regular boat on any small stream or river in Arkansas. Carp, gar, buffalo, northern redhorse and suckers are plentiful in streams that are too small for anything besides canoes, but they are also plentiful in mid-size streams that are suitable for flatbottom boats or jet-driven boats.
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