The Arkansas Board of Education will hold a work session at 9 a.m. Thursday in Blytheville.
The state board will discuss areas of concern with members of the Blytheville School District leaders about the operation of the district. That will include receiving public comments.
The 1,300-student district has drawn the attention of state Board of Education because of declining student enrollment, split votes taken by the district's eight-member School Board and frequent turnover in the system's leadership.
The work session will be in the Blytheville Primary School's multi-purpose room at 1103 Byrum Road. The work session will not be livestreamed.
Request is denied in voucher lawsuit
Pulaski County Circuit Judge Morgan "Chip" Welch has denied a motion by three Arkansas parents to intervene in a June lawsuit that challenges the constitutionality of the state's Educational Freedom Account program.
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