Trojans set for ‘toughest stretch’

Despite recent setbacks, UALR baseball coach Chris Curry (right) said he is feeling optimistic about his team as it enters Ohio Valley Conference play today against Morehead State.
(Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Thomas Metthe)
Despite recent setbacks, UALR baseball coach Chris Curry (right) said he is feeling optimistic about his team as it enters Ohio Valley Conference play today against Morehead State. (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Thomas Metthe)

The University of Arkansas-Little Rock baseball team opens Ohio Valley Conference play tonight as it takes on Morehead State at Gary Hogan Field in Little Rock for the first game of a three-game weekend set.

UALR has lost four consecutive games entering tonight, including a three-game sweep at Murray State last weekend. Despite the recent setbacks, Coach Chris Curry said he is feeling optimistic about his team as it enters conference play.

"We're in our toughest stretch probably of the entire season," Curry said. "We're just trying to fight through it. Morehead won the regular season [conference title] last year. It came down to the last weekend, us against them and they were able to win two games."

As the preseason pick to win the conference, the Trojans face higher expectations this season.

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