OPINION | WALLY HALL: Cuervo to head a successful UALR program

After an apparent nationwide search for almost five months, Arkansas-Little Rock officially introduced on Wednesday its new athletic director, Frank Cuervo.

Cuervo brings with him a history as a successful fundraiser, which is basically what a college AD does.

In a room packed with athletes, coaches and administrators, George Lee applauded the announcement.

Lee has been the interim AD for 4 1/2 years, but late last September he announced he was ready to step back from what was supposed to be two-year gap filler.

A search committee was formed mostly of UALR administrators and as the months drug by with a few mild rumors, a booster stepped up and offered to pay for a head hunting firm -- OK, consultants.

Not sure exactly why DHR out of Colorado Springs was the choice, but it probably had something to do with Craig Thompson, who was the commissioner of the Sun Belt Conference from 1991-1998.

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