Trojans win, clinch Ohio Valley Conference title



Arkansas-Little Rock clinched the Ohio Valley Conference baseball championship as it closed out the regular season by sweeping Tennessee Tech during the doubleheader Friday at Bush Stadium in Cookeville, Tenn.

In the first game of the day, the Trojans got 19 hits and struck out just four times during a 16-4 victory. Trey Hill opened the scoring in the top of the third inning with a solo home run. That would start the onslaught as UALR scored in every inning the remainder of the game.

Christian Bernabe finished off the offensive explosion with a two-run home run in the top of the ninth to give the Trojans a 16-1 lead. Luke Pectol had a strong game at the plate for UALR, finishing 6 for 6 with 4 RBI.


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