Trojans on a roll for OVC tourney

UALR Coach Chris Curry (right) and the Trojans are the top seed in the Ohio Valley Conference Tournament which is being played in Marion, Ill. With a double bye, the Trojans have earned a spot in the quarterfinal round of the tournament.
(NWA Democrat-Gazette/Hank Layton)
UALR Coach Chris Curry (right) and the Trojans are the top seed in the Ohio Valley Conference Tournament which is being played in Marion, Ill. With a double bye, the Trojans have earned a spot in the quarterfinal round of the tournament. (NWA Democrat-Gazette/Hank Layton)

In what has already been one of the most successful seasons in program history, the University of Arkansas-Little Rock baseball team is looking to reach even higher heights as it enters the Ohio Valley Conference Tournament as the top seed, with an opportunity to advance to an NCAA regional if it can emerge as the tournament champions.

As the top seed in the tournament, the Trojans earned a double-bye and a spot in the quarterfinal round. In the double-elimination format, UALR will need three wins in order to take home the title.

The tournament is being held at Marion Stadium in Marion Ill., with the championship game or games set to be played Saturday afternoon.

"Pressure is a privilege they say," UALR Coach Chris Curry said of coming into the tournament as the top seed.

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