Gregson answers call for Bears in win

UCA pitcher Coleman MacRae picked up the victory Friday night in the Bears’ 11-6 win over Jacksonville.
(University of Central Arkansas Photo)
UCA pitcher Coleman MacRae picked up the victory Friday night in the Bears’ 11-6 win over Jacksonville. (University of Central Arkansas Photo)

Trent Gregson let out a season's worth of frustration in one roar.

When his team desperately needed someone from its bullpen to provide clean innings, Gregson answered the call Friday night as he closed out the University of Central Arkansas' 11-6 win over Jacksonville in Pool B championship in the ASUN Tournament at DeLand, Fla.

Prior to Friday's game, the senior from Spring Hill, Texas, had recorded just 11 outs this season. His last outing came against the University of Arkansas-Little Rock on May 14.

According to UCA Coach Nick Harlan, his lack of playing time stemmed from a nagging shoulder injury that caused a dip in his fastball velocity.

When he entered against Jacksonville (27-31), it was his first time facing a conference opponent this season and just his sixth outing.

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