Sources: Joe Foley retiring after 21 seasons as UALR women’s basketball coach
July 17, 2024 at 11:27 p.m.
Mike Harley
After amassing 410 wins in 21 seasons leading the Arkansas-Little Rock women’s basketball program, Joe Foley is expected to step down from his position as head coach, multiple sources told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette on Wednesday. Sources said a formal announcement from the university is expected to be released Thursday morning.
Trey Schaap of KABZ, 103.7, The Buzz first broke the news of Foley’s decision on Wednesday night. “Sources tell me the 2nd winningest active head coach in NCAA Women’s Basketball, with 866 collegiate wins is stepping down from (UALR) and retiring,” he posted on X.
A 2016 inductee into the Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame, the Harrison native Foley spent 36 years coaching at the college level between UALR and Arkansas Tech.
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