OPINION | WALLY HALL: It’s early, yes, but Rebs look ready to move

It is way too early to be making many football predictions.

SEC football media days are in July and after interviewing all 16 head coaches and various players, a lot more will be known. But in July, everyone is still undefeated and optimistic.

However, it would seem logical to guess that there will be some dropoff at Alabama. Losing the G.O.A.T., Nick Saban, has to change the landscape at least a little.

If a team drops, a team will go up and that may be the Ole Miss Rebels, who are coming off their first 11-win season. Ole Miss has 62 lettermen back including three starters in the offensive line, and added 31 new faces for the spring semester including four of the top 100 transfers in the nation.


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