OPINION — Like It Is

OPINION | WALLY HALL: Little Rock visit displays Mays’ generosity

It came in late October 1989, a phone call from an acquaintance who needed a favor.

Willie Mays was coming to Little Rock as part of a promotion for an Atlantic City casino. There was a reception on Friday night and a lunch on Saturday, but Willie's flight home wasn't until Sunday and the acquaintance asked if it be much of a bother to show him around.

The acquaintance was not a sports fan.

Yours truly is, especially of Mays. In the late 1950s and early 1960s if you said out loud Mays was the best player in baseball there would be at least a dozen wanting to argue in favor of Mickey Mantle.

Both were great, but statistics back Mays, who made some of the greatest catches in center field in the history of the game for the New York and later San Francisco Giants.


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