The Recruiting Guy

Arkansas football beats out Georgia, Florida, Florida State for consensus 4-star LB Tavion Wallace

Four-star LB Tavion Wallace during his official visit to Arkansas on May 31-June2.
Four-star LB Tavion Wallace during his official visit to Arkansas on May 31-June2.

Arkansas beat out Georgia, Florida, Florida State and numerous other programs for the commitment of consensus 4-star linebacker Tavion Wallace. 

He announced his commitment to the Razorbacks on social media Tuesday. 

Wallace, 6-1 and 218 pounds, of Jesup (Ga.) Wayne County, made an official visit to Fayetteville on May 31-June 2 and received a home feeling.

“This was my first time and me, my mom and brother loved it,” Wallace said after his Arkansas trip. “It felt like home.” 

Wallace narrowed his list of schools to Arkansas, Georgia, Florida and Florida State on June 3. He made official visits to the four finalists. 

He is rated the No. 3 linebacker and No. 44 overall recruit, according to 

Should he sign with Arkansas and maintain his

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