Arkansas DC over the top about LB commit

Highly recruited 4-star linebacker Tavion Wallace, who publicly committed to the University of Arkansas on June 2, plans to return to Fayetteville for the Hogwild Hangout recruiting event on Saturday.

Wallace, 6-1, 218 pounds, of Jesup (Ga.) Wayne County, made an official visit to Fayetteville on May 31-June 2, and that led him to pick the Razorbacks over Georgia, Florida and Florida State. He also made official visits to the three other finalists.

He'll be one of more than 50 prospects visiting Saturday. The event will feature a mix of committed recruits along with prospects from the 2026, 2027 and 2028 classes.

Arkansas sophomore linebacker Alex Sanford was Wallace's host during his first visit. Wallace looks forward to building on the bond with Sanford and other Razorbacks on the defensive side he met during his visit.


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